Policy 21-403 Home Modifications to Assist with Functional Access

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WorkSafeNB invites you to participate in our review of the Home Modifications to Assist with Functional Access policy.

We use this policy to determine the discretionary benefit WorkSafeNB provides workers to improve function within their homes after experiencing a compensable workplace injury or illness.

WorkSafeNB may provide this benefit when a worker has experienced a compensable workplace injury or illness causing significant long-term functional limitations. This is done through modifications to primary living areas within the home to accommodate maneuvering and accessibility.

The goal of this consultation is to gather stakeholder feedback on the proposed policy, which has been revised to provide more details about the home modification process, including information on the areas of the home that are considered when a home modification is necessary, and the types of modifications available to workers. In the sidebar, you’ll find a document that outlines the current policy, proposed revisions, and an explanation of the revisions.

WorkSafeNB invites you to participate in our review of the Home Modifications to Assist with Functional Access policy.

We use this policy to determine the discretionary benefit WorkSafeNB provides workers to improve function within their homes after experiencing a compensable workplace injury or illness.

WorkSafeNB may provide this benefit when a worker has experienced a compensable workplace injury or illness causing significant long-term functional limitations. This is done through modifications to primary living areas within the home to accommodate maneuvering and accessibility.

The goal of this consultation is to gather stakeholder feedback on the proposed policy, which has been revised to provide more details about the home modification process, including information on the areas of the home that are considered when a home modification is necessary, and the types of modifications available to workers. In the sidebar, you’ll find a document that outlines the current policy, proposed revisions, and an explanation of the revisions.

Please submit any feedback on WorkSafeNB's proposed Policy 21-403 Home Modification to Assist with Functional Access.

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Page published: 30 Dec 2024, 07:39 AM