Policy 23-605 Experience Rating System

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WorkSafeNB invites you to participate in our review of the Experience Rating System policy. We use this policy to determine individual employers’ assessment rate rebates and surcharges based on accident experience.

The intent of the Experience Rating System policy is to improve equity in sharing workers’ compensation costs among employers, and to improve awareness of safety in the workplace by providing discounts and surcharges based on an employers’ claim cost experience.

We are reviewing this policy as part of our regular policy review cycle and to make any necessary revisions to allow for a smooth transition as we implement the recent legislative changes.

The goal of this consultation is to gather stakeholder feedback on the proposed revisions to Policy 23-605 Experience Rating System. You can see the current policy, proposed revisions, and an explanation of the revision in the document found in the sidebar.

WorkSafeNB invites you to participate in our review of the Experience Rating System policy. We use this policy to determine individual employers’ assessment rate rebates and surcharges based on accident experience.

The intent of the Experience Rating System policy is to improve equity in sharing workers’ compensation costs among employers, and to improve awareness of safety in the workplace by providing discounts and surcharges based on an employers’ claim cost experience.

We are reviewing this policy as part of our regular policy review cycle and to make any necessary revisions to allow for a smooth transition as we implement the recent legislative changes.

The goal of this consultation is to gather stakeholder feedback on the proposed revisions to Policy 23-605 Experience Rating System. You can see the current policy, proposed revisions, and an explanation of the revision in the document found in the sidebar.

Page published: 27 Aug 2024, 11:16 AM